Sunday, November 06, 2005

La rumba barcelonina

I just returned from a rather fabulous weekend in Barcelona, of which the details are unfortunately not really suitable for public consumption. Noticeably balmy there compared to chilly Berliny. While the plane back waited to take off we were treated to some muzak over the speaker system, which consisted of a hideous techno-lite track over which every so often someone intoned the word 'easyjet' in the way that they used to say 'acid' or 'pump it up.' If dance music hadn't been dead and buried for several years now that would undoubtedly have been the final nail in its coffin.

Back in Berlin I'm extremely glad that the hordes of slack jawed tourists have not yet discovered the city, as they certainly are ruining Barcelona. Cheap flights are a bad thing for so many reasons, and I say this in the full knowledge that I'm a hypocrite for taking so many of them.

Incidentally, after a great deal of detailed research, I can now safely conclude that a combination of vodka shots and red wine gives me my worst ever hangovers.


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