Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Minus 10 and counting

The city has disappeared under a white overcoat of snow, icicles dangle from every set of traffic lights, and the temperature has dropped to minus 10.

In my wardrobe now, along with thermal underwear and leg-warmers, is a wonderful padded coat. Less of a coat, more of a coat shaped duvet. It even cushioned me when I fell over backwards on the sheet ice the other day.

The snow looks beautiful when it's covering the cobbled streets of Prenzlauerberg (somehow the streets appear older and more authentically pre-war in the snow, although there is no logic to this whatsoever). But then you have to walk for days as though you were negotiating an uneven ice rink in slippers, and when the thaw starts the city becomes one giant pool of dirty icy slush.My wintry mood has not been lifted by meeting not one but two people who got World Cup tickets by just applying for them. Not only this, but one of them got tickets for the first five England matches - always assuming they go through to the quarter finals, which of course is assuming a lot. And talking of the World Cup, nobody can quite believe that the opening ceremony has been moved to Munich. Will they move the final there too?

Saw Match Point which is really excellent, thank goodness for Woody Allen and for Dostoevsky.


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