Thursday, September 28, 2006


Come to think of it, another weird thing is that Geneissenaustr. runs downhill no matter which way you cycle along it.

They love their dogs here; they take good care of them and you almost never see an ill-treated dog or a stray. This is obviously a good thing, and would be a great thing if they would only stop letting them shit all over the pavements. What’s funny though is that each dog/person group makes up its own little self-contained world, and it is obviously not the done thing to stop and pet someone else’s animal. The cuteness of the dogs unfortunately makes it impossible for me to follow this unspoken rule, so I get a lot of suspicious looks.

And at this point, a special mention to my friend Deb, who has a gift for a pertinent turn of phrase and among other things invented the very useful expression Dr. Moy.


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