Thursday, February 23, 2006

German women – a dichotomy

The women here never wear a hint of make up and seem to find the idea of appearing in any way glamorous rather distasteful, yet every trip to the gym confirms that they all perform hair removal and general body grooming routines way above and beyond the call of duty.

I am however very glad to report that they don’t have the vile and disgusting British habit of pissing all over the toilet seat and then leaving it for the next unsuspecting person to sit on. It’s a great shame and may even be some kind of conspiracy that they started making the seats white, because at least on the black ones you can see the deposit some filthy dirty pikey has left for you before it’s too late to do anything but swear loudly.

The Berlinale was very exciting, with sightings of George Clooney coming thick and fast. I only got to see one film, due to the extremely complex and effort-involving ticket purchasing system. Luckily it was a stormer – Michael Winterbottom’s The Road to Guantanamo. An exceptional film made even better by the realisation at the end that I was sitting next to the Tipton lads whose story it tells.

Had another enjoyable weekend in London. Went to the Tate to see the Rachel Whiteread and really liked it, like being on a boat in a lake filled with icebergs. Also had an entertaining night in Soho House, which I hadn’t realised was full not of fabulous people but of sleazy rich men in suits. Some doctor moy tried to chat my friend up by spilling a drink over her; luckily he was too drunk to notice that I mopped it up with the tail of his jacket. Ended the night discussing GHB with a cross-dressing wildebeest.

Good to see Ryanair doing their bit to discourage binge drinking by selling ‘hangover kits’ among the overpriced goods on their trolleys.


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