Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The most annoying thing about Berliners

This would have to be the habit they have of walking up the left side of the escalator, but then seeing that their train isn’t there yet and so stopping about 8 steps from the top and just standing there. They do this even when there’s a train pulling in to the opposite platform, and since they have to realise that around half of those trapped behind them need to catch this other train, they must do it out of spite.

Now that the ice monster has gone I’m back on my bike and back searching for new accessories. Proper bike shops are a bit intimidating, and surprisingly expensive. In trying to work out why it’s so cheap to live here I came to the realisation that it’s basically rent and alcohol which are the amazing bargains. Of course these two items constitute my two highest expenditures by a long way, so this is good news.

They have some very peculiar looking churches here, especially around Schöneberg. They look like the winning entry of a design competition held among delinquent 14 year olds with personality disorders. All annexes sticking out at weird angles like bubonic growths on a diseased body. You can’t imagine seeing a church that looked like that in any city but Berlin.


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