Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Hit my first pedestrian today. Tried to explain to the bloke that if you’re going to suddenly hurl yourself into an in-use cycle lane (in the course of a game of pavement football) then you have to accept the inevitable consequences. He seemed to think that I should have used my bell, whereas I was pretty sure that in the fraction of a second that I had to react, the slamming on of the brakes was by far the better option. It was just unfortunate all round that they chose this occasion not to bother working.

Friday, December 15, 2006


I decided to get a Christmas tree this year, and my brother and I duly wheeled rather a large one back from Bauhaus strapped to my bicycle. It looks very fine adorned with the best and most tasteful decorations that Kottbusser Dam has to offer.

I haven't spent as much time in the Christmas markets this year as I did last. A sign that I have more work, no doubt, so something to be grateful for. Still, I hope I get to sample one more mug of Glühwein before I fly home.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Homer is never wrong

"Alcohol - cause of, and answer to, so many of life's problems."

Maybe my run of financial bad luck has finally come to an end? Last week included an expensively missed plane, news that someone I’ve been working for has gone into receivership owing me a fair sum of money, and a letter from one of my banks in the UK letting me know that in a week’s time they’re putting my overdraft limit down by several hundred pounds, and that failure to reduce it accordingly would result in charges of £30 a day etc etc. Bastards. I topped this off by pouring the entire contents of a glass of red wine slap bang onto my laptop (the first glass too, I wasn't even tipsy). However, I rushed it to Gunther the wonder computer fixer, and got the news that although the battery is kaputt it still works as normal once plugged into the mains. I’m told that this is pretty darn lucky, so have decided that it must have been my turning point from Pech to Gluck. I even bought a lottery ticket I was so sure of it.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Dumbing down? Moi?

It’s all just a little bit too disturbing. First there was Kramer from Seinfeld as a nasty character from Mississipi Burning. Then there were Britney Spears' genitals. And now there are dwarves fighting on Jerry Springer, egged on by a chanting crowd. I think I need to get off youtube right now.